Peppy’s Iridology Website Coming Soon!

Contact Peppy for a Customized, Professional Iridology Analysis


About Peppy

Peppy Caccavale has been serving clients since 2012 when she became certified through the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA).

Peppy’s clients are in her hometown of Las Vegas, NV. However, she has clients in Lake George, New York; Tampa and Vero Beach, Florida; Delaware, Stevenson Ranch, California, Lowell, Indiana, and Vancouver, Washington.

If a detailed picture can be taken of the Iris, the Iris mapping and analysis can be performed. 

“I have to say that I was a little skeptical at first about Iridology but after my first Iridology analysis session with Peppy, I was very impressed by Peppy’s knowledge, thoroughness and expertise at pinpointing issues so accurately. Her follow-up is great too with recommendations for a healthier future. I am so happy I went to Peppy for this extraordinary revealing analysis.” -ND, Las Vegas, NV

More to Come!

Watch for:

  • Full detail of Iridology Services
  • Iridology Definition and Background
  • Pigments and Their Meaning
  • Iris Analysis (images and definitions)
  • Iridology Charts