Iridology Zones in the Iris

The Seven Iris Zones

There are seven circular zones within the Iris mapping that represent specific organs and body systems. Zone 1 is located closest to the pupil and Zone 7 is farthest from the pupil.

Zones in the Iris | Iridology by Peppy | Peppy Caccavale | Las Vegas, Nevada

Iris Zones 1 & 2: The Nutritive Zone – Digestion and Absorption

Iris Zone 1

Pupillary or digestive zone. (the stomach is in this zone)

Iris Zone 2

Intestinal Zone (small and large intestines)

The collarette is located between Zones 2 and 3

Zones in the Right Eye | Iridology by Peppy | Peppy Caccavale | Las Vegas, Nevada

Iris Zones 3-7: The Ciliary Zone

Iris Zone 3

Humoral Zone – Blood flow – in and out of the small intestines

Iris Zone 4

Muscular Zone – Utilization

Iris Zone 5

Structural Zone – Bones

Iris Zone 6

Lymph Zone – Elimination – Detox

Iris Zone 7

Skin Zone – Elimination

Zones in the Left Eye | Iridology by Peppy | Peppy Caccavale | Las Vegas, Nevada